
The Challenge
Like many mid-tier cities across the country, Indianapolis was struggling to hold onto its young adult residents—too many were leaving for bigger cities, moving to nearby suburbs, or just sitting on the sidelines, which made them far more likely to skip town. IndyHub was created to engage the city’s twenty- and thirty-somethings by fostering relationships and promoting the city’s cultural and civic offerings. That success led the local government to ask the nonprofit for help recruiting more talent to the city, increasing the city’s tax base. What at first seemed like an ideal fit quickly lured the organization away from its initial mission, spreading its resources too thin, limiting its impact. 



The Solution
Friday’s research and analysis suggested that the IndyHub should move away from promoting the city to residents in countless other cities and, instead, focus on people who were already experiencing Indianapolis in person. By shrinking its target audience from millions of uninterested people to thousands of local college students, interns, new residents, and job candidates considering relocation, IndyHub’s staffers have been able to leverage their unique skill sets once again. 


Next, Friday mapped out audience journeys that illustrate the differences between prospective residents, new residents, and residents who have lived in the city but have yet to put down roots. By connecting those individual needs with the city’s offerings and crafting digital messages, Friday helped Indyhub drive these diverse audiences to memorable experiences tailored exclusively for them, forging the lasting bonds that turn a city into a community.


Read more about Elizabeth Cameron’s thoughts on our work with IndyHub on Friday’s blog.


Looking to create a deeper sense of connection in your community? Friday is crafting a toolkit to help cities and counties engage stakeholders in that exact process. Contact us to learn more. 


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